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Windows Defender Firewall

The Windows Defender firewall rule can be created using PowerShell.

Terminal window
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "ICMPv4 Trippy Allow" -Name ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW -Protocol ICMPv4 -Action Allow
New-NetFirewallRule -DisplayName "ICMPv6 Trippy Allow" -Name ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW -Protocol ICMPv6 -Action Allow

The rules can be enabled as follows:

Terminal window
Enable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW
Enable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW

The rules can be disabled as follows:

Terminal window
Disable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv4_TRIPPY_ALLOW
Disable-NetFirewallRule ICMPv6_TRIPPY_ALLOW

There is a step-by-step guide to manually configure the Windows Defender firewall rule.